Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Still in Grenada
So I'm staying in Grenada after all. After I got off the phone with the President who told me to pack for St. Vincent, he called back again and told me to un-pack and stay. So I didn't have the chance to let you know until now. I'm still Zone leader and my companion is going to be a ZL too so we can plan together. Elder Williams (my new companion) is from Bakersfield California, ever heard of it? He's friends with Derek Zirenberg, ever heard of him? It's so fun discovering things that we have in common - someone I can really relate with.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Transfer Time
Well it has been crazy here, as usual. I just got off the phone with President Robison who informed me that I will be going to St. Vincent on Wednesday. Elder Jailall is headed to St. Lucia, and another elder, Elder Williams, is coming here from Guyana. My new companion is Elder Kahaialili from Hawaii. I love the guy - we used to be in the same district on Trinidad so I know him really well and we'll have fun together. We'll only be together one transfer because he'll be done by the next one. So I've packed my bags and the apartment is being cleaned. I need to bake 2 cakes, one for an investigator named Collin who is having a birtday and one to leave in the apartment for the elders when they ge here. I am overwhelmed, my head is spinning but I think that everything is okay. It's hard to leave a place that I've come to love so much.
It is nice to hear that all is well there, the fall weather sounds nice. Here it is hot and rainy, but I love it! Just think...I could be a sorry sap in the Baltics! (Just kidding Elliott). I got the shirts and they fit great. I've decided that they really are "the world's best missionary shirts". They are not baggy, and the material is nice. Thanks for the moleskin and the ties - I really like the fuschia one but I'm pretty sure it doesn't qualify as "conservative" enough.
My head hurts, I don't think I could fit anything else into if I tried - there is just so much going on, I really am grateful for Ether 12:27:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
True true.Well mom I'm sorry I can't be there to help you decorate the house for fall and for christmas later, but I will be able to in 9 months (but who's counting). I did something fun to my planner I use - I got glue and covered it and then sprinkled sand from Grenada on top of it. Basically it's nice looking sand paper now but it least I can always feel it when I want to go to the beach. I'll let you know if I am alive next week in the email, thanks for yourlove and support, I really enjoy getting emails, I feel your prayers. 1836!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Greetings from Grenada
Monday, October 1, 2007
Transfers and Alien Bugs
Monday, September 10, 2007
From Now on You shall be known as "Big Haircut"
I know who Harry Potter marries because a boy in the branch has the book, and one day we were over and I glanced at the last page.
Just so everyone knows, you pronounce Caribbean like "Pirates of the Caribbean" not the other way.
And I got a hair cut today, all they used were clippers. Think black man shave on a white boy. I need to make sure they keep it longer than they're used to cutting. 1836!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Q&A to Calm a Worried Mother
It was fast Sunday sorry...hahaha. Well for breakfast I usually have granola and yogurt, or I make some scrambled eggs, and hash browns with a potato. Lunch I might eat something fast, however this last week I've cooked chicken and rice, stir fry, grilled pineapple, and a scoop of ice cream in a coconut. Other days it's just fried rice or mac n' cheese.
2. What is a typical day like for you?
Wake up, exercise , 2 hours of study (right now I'm working on Chapter 3 of Preach my Gospel), We go out and usually go to a few appointments, or travel to a farther area we don't normally work. Then come back for lunch. Afterwards we go out to St. Croix, which we call "the fertile ground". It's close to our apartment, and there are many families there I've seen baptized, and many more wonderful investigators.
3. What do you do on p-day? (besides laundry)
Today I scrubbed a small hole in my shirt when I was washing it. It's not that bad, all
the others are keeping up well enough, as long as I use a lot of bleach. Clean the apartment, email, shop (the store we go to is very modern and they deliver for free! So we sometimes stock up and have them deliver so we don't have to walk back with it. I'm working on drawing out a picture of everyone in the Zone from last Zone Meeting, and giving it to the President to attach to the letter head.
4. How is your health? Are you using sun-screen Are you using your insect repellant?
My health is fine. I sneeze a lot sometimes, there is a lot of dust in the air. I use sunscreen every day, and now i'm dark and I never seem to burn, (also it's very cloudy cause of the rain this time of year) And I use insect repellent every other day - the deet is so powerful it lasts a few days.
5. How are you clothes holding out?
My pants and shirts are fine, however, the buttons and clasps on the pants get destroyed in the wash "machine" so I have to sow them on a lot, or I usually just put the belt around my waist very tight and forget about it. You can send the extra pants if you want. But I think I'm gonna go
to the tailor and pick out some sweet fabric and have him make it for me. Ties are appreciated!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Trini Hitchhikers
My new companion, Elder Williamson is nice. He is from Wanesbrough PA. I don't know where that is in relation to where we lived. He is really smart with computers and technology, and we seem to be getting along well.
I'm sorry that I can't give you the address for our apartment for you to send items here, mostly because mail here is not like the US. There is no delivery, you need to go pick it up at the TT post office (tt = Trinidad and Tobago) and to do that you need to purchase a drop bag. So the only way to get mail to me is through the mission office. I get mail about every other week or so because the Zone Leaders will go pick it up for us. We walk almost everywhere - OUR AREA IS HUGE! Its from Prince's Town to Miaro (the eastern coast of the island) check it out on a map. We hitch rides to different places, you just put your hand out to stop people. If you want to be a taxi driver in Trinidad all you have to do is get a license plate that starts with an "H" and you can pick anyone up. Everyone else does anyway and we pay them 3ttd (.50c us).
The branch was reorganized the other day - we have new branch and elders quorum presidencies now! A man I baptized last month received the Aaronic priesthood, and he asked me if I would do it. So I did and ordained him to the office of a priest. I'm going to give him my line of authority tomorrow when I see him.
Im glad you got my package. Hope you enjoy the pictures, and send it back with some pictures you put on there if you can. Don't worry about candy, I don't really need it and it will make the package heavy.Things are fine, I don't know what else you want me to say, if any of you have questions send them and i'll answer them for you. 1836! p.s. I know who Harry Potter marries!
Monday, August 20, 2007
How to Open a Coconut
The other day I opened my first coconut and ate it! We had a cutlass we were using and it was going slow. A guy took pity on us crackers and came over, grabbed a cinder block, smashed it 5 times on the top, ripped it open and then sliced the husk away from the nut. Voila. Then you drink the milk, which is really, really good - it has almost an almond-y taste to it. Now that iIve seen it done, I'm pretty sure I could duplicate it.
Another funny story, last night we visited family where everyone is a member except the father - he can't stop smoking Marijuana. Anyway, all the men were really drunk and high, and we were trying to teach them. And one man who was really bad was singing these penicostle hymns and clapping and shouting Hallelujah! Then he sat down and started telling me how much he respected me, then he gave me a foot massage! Haha it was so funny and sad at the same time. Another day one man called us out and bought us coconuts from a stand and was telling us that he wanted us to take him back to Canada even though we kept telling him that we were from America. He was pretty high.
I sent the packages last Monday, you might get them in a week. Sorry FedEx is far away in another city, and costs a lot. I'm going to buy a ukelele (u know the little guitar thing) One man we're teaching has written books with great island songs and I was playing them when we were at his house. It's so much fun I'm really excited to get one. So everything is going well. I get a new companion this week, Elder Williamson, I've met him before and he's a really nice guy. 1836!
Monday, August 13, 2007
TGI Fridays...In Trinidad?!
The work is going well, There is a GREAT couple named Raj and Ann Narine who will be baptized soon. They are really nice. Every time I go over she has to make food for us to eat. I'm REALLY glad she is a good cook. We eat a lot of rice and beans and roti which is a stew that you eat with pita bread. My companion Elder Lindberg is going home to Simi Valley next week - I think he knows the Pinkstons. He totally looks like Nephi but with tan lines. I've really enjoyed having him as my companion. 1836!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sucess Stories
One man Nolen we contacted seems to be almost to golden, every commitment we leave he does. He is smart, and understands what we are saying. He is intellectually converted, and will soon be spiritually. He said, "Would I be correct in saying the the Church of Jesus Christ of... is the only true church on the earth?"... "then I want to join it!"
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Preparation Day = Wash Day
So we had a baptism this last Saturday and we have three more this Wednesday.I've been asked this time to perform the baptism for 2 of the members in the family! We are also teaching a woman and her boyfriend who live in a rasta village. Ever heard of a Rasta turned Christian!?Too bad it's in a font and not in the ocean, I haven't even seen the ocean since I got here! I sent off a batch of Letters last week including some postcards that are pretty sweet. I took a bunch of photos that I want to send, but I don't have a card reader, or my cable, so i'm going to go buy one - I guess you will have to wait till next week to get some pics. 1836!
Monday, July 16, 2007
I Made it to Trinidad!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
MTC Week Two
Last night was fun the missionaries had a fireside, and then we watched the fireworks for the 4th of July. Terry said that you wanted to know about the food -its ok-i've gained 3 lbs which isn't really anything so i'm doing fine there. I don't care to much considering that i'll loose it all when I get to Trinidad. The time has passed quickly here, the days are long but the weeks are short. I only have 2 days left of normal class, and Sundays don't realy count, they're much more relax. We have a lot of free time, church meetings, and devotionals. O dad happy birthday, I have a present, I hope it will be done before I leave, if not I'll have terry get it to you. Everything is going well, I'm excited to call from the airport, that will be nice.Hopefully i will have more interesting things to write about when i'm inthe field, and more interesting pictures too. 1836!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
MTC Week One
I am in class for at least 12 hours a day, and I mastered the first lesson about the restoration. I've been working a lot in the Referral Center calling people who express interest in learning more about the church. Sounds like everything is going well at home. I miss you all!