Thursday, July 5, 2007

MTC Week Two

Well i'm sitting here at the computer next to Terry. I guess he looked at my schedule and figured out where I was! All I know is that he just sat down next to me while I was typing this email. Last night I got the pirate flag out and we hung it up in our dorm hall. At midnight we woke up to MTC security telling us to take it down, that it was not a good idea to have a pirate flag. We tried to explain to him that it was representing our mission. He didn't buy it.

Last night was fun the missionaries had a fireside, and then we watched the fireworks for the 4th of July. Terry said that you wanted to know about the food -its ok-i've gained 3 lbs which isn't really anything so i'm doing fine there. I don't care to much considering that i'll loose it all when I get to Trinidad. The time has passed quickly here, the days are long but the weeks are short. I only have 2 days left of normal class, and Sundays don't realy count, they're much more relax. We have a lot of free time, church meetings, and devotionals. O dad happy birthday, I have a present, I hope it will be done before I leave, if not I'll have terry get it to you. Everything is going well, I'm excited to call from the airport, that will be nice.Hopefully i will have more interesting things to write about when i'm inthe field, and more interesting pictures too. 1836!

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