Monday, July 16, 2007

I Made it to Trinidad!

Well I'm sure many of you have been wondering whats going on? where I am staying etc. We arrived safely but for some reason our visas were funny so Customs held all 8 of us for 4 hours. President Robison had to come and spring us from airport jail and we didn't get to the mission home until 3 am! Sister Robison has been feeding us well, don't worry!

Where am I now?!? Prince's Town, Trinidad. This is in southern Trinidad, it is a residential area that is mostly lower middle class. I have taught in houses with air conditioning, and comfortable chairs vs. an investigator who lives in a ply wood box with no running water or electricity. I have taught by a crude gas tourch (a rum bottle with a rag in it as a wick) its crazy! I have tracted in the hot sun, and warm rain. I have walked on bumpy uneven asphalt, and in ankle deep mud - you should see my shoes! The people here are AMAZING! They are all looking for religion - half are Hindu, and Muslim and the other half are Christian. It's pretty cool teaching the restoration to a guy wearing a turban, who we are actually baptizing next week! The kids are fun, they come up to me and call me white boy, cracker, or "mon". I have yet seen another white person other than the one in the mirror, or my companion. People don't shake hands here they "bounce" aka tap, pound, etc... it's rad. Sadly, most everyone here is drunk or high most of the day. We have a man Rodney, who trying to break his weed addiction. I never thought coming on a mission meant I would be a Rehab Counselor.
However, by the time you receive email I will have already have had my first Baptism - a women named Debbie Ramnerine and her husband should follow soon. Their 3 boys were baptized before I got out here. I have another baptism next week, and the mission goal is to baptize once a month (our personal goal is once a week). There are 4 families we are teaching with 8 more confirmed baptisms in August, and possibly 10 more to follow. I'm off to a good start. 1836!

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